• Serving Businesses, Farms & Homes
    The Area's Leading Energy Provider

    Serving Businesses, Farms & Homes

    Top Quality Southern States Products
  • Propane Delivery Services

    Propane Delivery Services

    Now You're Cooking With Gas
  • Full Synthetic, Blends, Grease & Transmission Fluid

    Full Synthetic, Blends, Grease & Transmission Fluid

    For Cars, Trucks & Machinery

About us

Rockingham Petroleum was established in 1942 as an agricultural cooperative, now comprised of 2,600 member-owners. We are pleased to service more than 20,000 customers throughout Virginia and West Virginia, providing efficient, reliable energy products.

Working to serve homes, businesses and farms, we offer innovative products that provide effective solutions that are specific to the application; and because we’re member owned, the cooperative approach is the only one we know when it comes to serving our customers.

Josh Stephens

General Manager

Who We Serve

& How



Rockingham Petroleum Cooperative - Cream Of The Crop Program

The Valley's 

Leading Energy Provider

Fuel Oil

For Homes & Businesses

Gasoline & Diesel Fuel

E85 & Ethanol Free


Agricultural & residential



Repair services for equipment excluding biodiesel and grill products.

Set up of small tank refill stations on your property.

We can set your diesel fuel or propane tank, run lines and connect appliances.

When our power of choice is untrimmed and when nothing prevents our being able to do like.

 Set up a convenient refill plan and never run out of energy.

Water heaters, fireplaces, oil furnaces, boiler systems & more.

What we 

can offer

On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled.
He rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid.
So blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue.
When our power of choice is untrimmed and when nothing prevents our being able to do like.
To those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying toil and pain.
Obligations of business frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances.

Customer & Member Reviews


We’re always interested in hearing from our customers and members about how we're doing!

If you want to contact us about any issue please call 1 (540) 434-4321 or send us an email. If you would like to be contacted to talk about getting fuel delivered or a propane account contact us here.


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Serving the Valley’s Energy Needs of Businesses, Homes and Farms.

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A phone call from

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Estimate of

Total Service Cost

An in-person meeting to

Discuss the details

Fully Licensed

And Insured VA & WVA

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